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Untitled Poem

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Feeling worn, down, drained, depressed

Feeling off kilter and unbalanced. Feeling as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders, bubbling bile in my belly, in my womb which has been barren for over 2 years now but still feel the stirrings of life. There is so much Love here but it's buried and scared. Never shining my inner light to brightly because it seems to always dimmed with the emotions of others. The valleys of the mind make it hard to see the snow covered mountain top, even thought I can see the Blue skies and White clouds.

Please Breathe life into my body, fill it in with the sense of security, help me weed out the negativity of the world from my own thoughts and motives, as I sit alone by myself in the dark and let my body slowly exhale. I feel hurt, frustrated, fear, guilt, sadness, ..... grief, very deeply in my soul. I feel breatheless, death toll rising, so many lives taken, Reckless-ly! Undeserving-ly! Irresponsib-ly! Regardless-ly!

Help me see the LOVE!

Help me hear the LOVE!

Help me feel the LOVE! Can I even smell the delicious aroma I knew it to had.

When trust is lost, heart is broken, the damage done, can I ever recover?

Will I ever feel LOVE again?! Deep, true, unwavering, undisputed LOVE.

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