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Wow just WOW!!

So you haven’t heard from me in a while because I’ve been moving and made it to my destination but still looking for a place to live so we are in a transition phase, literally and physically. I never knew how hard this would be on me or the children. I know I’m not the only one who has done this and won be the last. These feelings of hopelessness are real and I thought I would be able to handle this better but boy am I wrong. I feel like a failure in so many ways and I have to keep believing in the mustard seed or I will drown in the sea of tears I cry every night. Lord I am pleading my case and understand the part I played and the karma I’m dealt just do make my kids suffer long. Asé

this entry was written on 3/16/2022 just didn’t have the guts to publish it.

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Jun 29, 2022


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