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Rose Water

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

I have done something I’ve never done before and finished it like a pro, lol. I’ve completely stepped into a roll I feel very comfortable in at time and awkward at others. This witchy me is happier than I’ve been in years and I feel it can not get better.

I’ve been working on some new items and Rose Water was something I’ve heard of but never really was interested in until now. Rose Water contains antioxidants so it can be used as a skin soother(razor burn), toner, can be used to prevent and treat infections, heals cuts, scars, and burns. It can also help enhance your mood relieve headaches and can help sooth sore throats.

Ok so get this it can be used as an eye drop for dry eyes, cataracts, also conjunctivitis you know Pink Eye.

It can also be ingested I would suggest it unless you know the origins of the Rose. But if so it help your digestion by increasing bile flow which helps with bloating and upset stomach. Rose Water can also acting as a laxative by increasing the amount of water in the feces.

You can see now why Rose Water is the bomb, so why would you not want to make your own? I personally like Maya’s (my 8 yr old chemist) Aura sprays she makes with it and they will be up on the website soon.

Last but not least who doesn’t like good smelling soothing baths, yes Rose petals are nice but Rose Water doesn’t have petals sticking to your booty when you get ready to get out the tub, lol.

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